IT security

Cyber crime is a genuine threat. It is becoming increasingly important to protect your company’s data. Office-IT ensures the best security for your network and all your equipment.

Office-IT neemt jouw IT security serieus
Office-IT is Gold Partner van WatchGuard.

WatchGuard firewalls

There is nothing easier for (cyber) criminals than an open front door. A powerful firewall is vital when it comes to cyber security.

Office-IT is a Gold Partner of WatchGuard. We are familiar with their range, and strongly recommend WatchGuard for network security and protection against cyber threats. 

Multi-factor authentication

Did you know that a simple password can be cracked in 52 seconds?

Protect your corporate data against cyber attacks and the theft of login details, for example, using multi-factor authentication. Efficient cyber security ensures that your network is protected from hackers.

Inloggen op je computer met een multifactorauthenticatie oplossing
Vrouw aan het werk vanuit een koffiebar

Endpoint security

Endpoint security is more than just anti-virus software.

Our EDR solution (endpoint detection and response) scans any strange behaviour on all your devices, including your mobile endpoints. This allows you to protect your whole company network. Proactively and in real time.

Mail security

Spam, phishing, malware and fraudulent e-mails are becoming increasingly common. Being able to send e-mails securely is thus also an extremely important part of IT security.

We work with Vade to ensure the best protection for your e-mails. This extremely powerful filter intervenes quickly and efficiently, and keeps all your mailboxes healthy.

Veilig mailen dankzij Vade
De meeste geslaagde cyberaanvallen zijn helaas te wijten aan menselijke fouten. Train je medewerkers in het herkennen van phishingsmails met de oplossing van Phished en Office-IT

Increase your security awareness with Phished and Office-IT

Protect your business from cyber threats with Belgium’s award-winning Phished platform. Phished offers automated phishing simulations and interactive cybersecurity training that reduce phishing risk by up to 96%.  

Add our expert support and always stay one step ahead of threats.

Looking for an IT partner for your network security?

Let us know what could be improved within your organisation. Whether you are a small or a large company, we will be pleased to work with you to examine the most suitable solutions, and are able to offer standard formulas as well as custom-made options. The choice is yours.

“To be honest, we did not look at other systems because we trusted the advice of Office-IT. When they presented this security solution, we were quickly on board with what they proposed.”

Dreesen Simon – Garden Trade International