(Pro)active monitoring & maintenance

Servers, storage & network components

Systems have to work harder and harder; we process mountains of data. In the meantime, your business and operations have become extremely reliant on smoothly functioning IT systems and solutions. So it makes sense that you want to avoid problems.

But why wait until things go wrong, if you can act proactively?

Bewaking van je IT-systeem

Rely on Office-IT to keep your network infrastructure in top condition

The high-grade software of WatchGuard and SolarWinds allows us to offer you a total solution when it comes to monitoring. This means you can sleep easy, while your systems remain fully up-to-date.

What can you expect from Office-IT?

By choosing the Office-IT monitoring solution, you are also choosing:

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Our customers

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Looking for an IT partner for your SME?

Let us know what could be improved within your organisation. Whether you are a small or a large company, we will be pleased to work with you to examine the most suitable solutions, and are able to offer standard formulas as well as custom-made options. The choice is yours.

“Our server is critical, so proactive monitoring really is no unnecessary luxury. If a potential threat is detected, an alarm sounds and Office-IT immediately takes action to prevent problems.”

Bruwier Geert – Elec Lightin’ Art